Excerpt from The Chronicles of Mearth, Volume 3: Prophecy Epilog
Nearly 40 years ago I came up with an explanation of the cause of our universe's Big Bang, how/why our universe is expanding, and what will occur sometime in the future. I finally wrote it down in the epilog in the final volume of my Chronicles of Mearth trilogy. It's not yet published, but here is an excerpt. I hope you enjoy it. You can purchase the first two books in The Chronicles of Mearth trilogy on Amazon.com (search for cholmonco) or in my bookstore on this website.
…Mars looked at Hera and said, "Tell me. What do you think you know about the cycle of the universe?"
Hera looked puzzled but answered, "Well, the universe
began as a singularity about thirteen or fourteen billion years ago. It then
rapidly expanded into the universe we know today, which continues to expand at
a constant rate, known as the Hubble constant. No one is sure whether it will
continue to expand or whether it will collapse back...